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  • Augustine Raja

Empowering Early Breast Cancer Detection with AI Technology

Updated: Jul 6

Breast cancer stands as the most prevalent cancer among women in Malaysia, accounting for nearly one-third of all female cancer diagnoses. According to the National Cancer Registry Report, the age-standardized rate for breast cancer was approximately 34.1 per 100,000 women in 2020. The disease's burden is amplified by the tendency for late-stage diagnoses, which are associated with higher mortality rates despite advancements in medical treatments. Factors such as limited awareness, cultural stigmas, and insufficient access to screening contribute to this challenge, making early detection a critical focal point in the fight against breast cancer.

Addressing these issues requires innovative approaches, and Niramai Thermalytix offers a promising solution. Niramai, which stands for Non-Invasive Risk Assessment with Machine Intelligence, employs Thermalytix, an advanced thermal imaging technology coupled with artificial intelligence to detect breast cancer at early stages. This method involves a non-invasive, radiation-free, and privacy-aware screening procedure, making it especially suitable for the Malaysian context, where cultural sensitivities and accessibility can be barriers to traditional mammography.

Thermalytix works by capturing thermal images of the breast and analyzing them using machine learning algorithms to identify abnormal patterns that may indicate the presence of cancer. This technique can detect tumors much earlier than physical examinations and even some mammograms, thereby facilitating timely intervention and treatment.

The advantages of Niramai Thermalytix are particularly relevant for Malaysia. Its non-invasive nature encourages more women to participate in regular screenings without the fear of discomfort or exposure to radiation. Additionally, the affordability and portability of the technology make it accessible to rural and underserved populations, addressing the geographical and economic disparities in healthcare access.

Implementing Niramai Thermalytix in Malaysia's healthcare system could significantly enhance early detection rates of breast cancer, leading to better prognosis and reduced mortality. By integrating this cutting-edge technology with existing public health initiatives, Malaysia can make substantial strides in combating the scourge of breast cancer, ultimately improving the health outcomes for its women

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